
Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! This blog was created to document the sweet and simple days before our upcoming wedding, as well as the days that will follow into marital bliss. 50 years from now when we're old and gray, we can look back at this blog and remind ourselves of reasons to laugh and love, and of our life together--sweet & simple.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Espana, Part II

I realize that it has been months since I promised the second installment of photos from our honeymoon in Spain.  Well the wait is over.  Here are some shots of our time in Barcelona.  Just to recap, we spent the first half our honeymoon in Madrid (see here), and although we had a great time in Madrid, it's safe to say that Barcelona was definitely our favorite!

We had our very first meal in Barcelona at a little cafe just outside the doors of La Sagrada Familia.  I couldn't wait to have yet another plate of paella with this incredible view.

Waiting patiently for his meal at Cafe Ardevol

My seafood paella.  I happily took a break from my vegetarian lifestyle to enjoy the dishes that Spain had to offer.  (I kind of had to, or else I would've starved.)  

Spanish flan

La Boqueria is a huge outdoor market with an incredibly diverse selection of goodies!

Every kind of fresh squeezed fruit juice imaginable, from mango to papaya, blackberry to kiwi. 

Talk about fresh.   I mean, those colors don't lie.


We grabbed a meal to munch on while we walked around, haha

Las Ramblas, a famous street full of locals and tourists alike.  There are plenty of shops, eateries and street performers to keep anyone entertained.

One of Gaudi's earliest pieces, a lamp post in Plaza Real (Placa Reial).

We came across these walls that amazingly are still standing from the days of the Roman Empire.  This area was once part of a Roman fortress.  Nowadays its makes for a one-of-a-kind experience at this outdoor cafe.  

Yummy banana and chocolate crepes with a couple of Caipirinhas, which oddly enough is Brazil's national cocktail.  Regardless of what country it's from, its delicious.  And strong.

During our second day in Barcelona, we spent the morning touring Gaudi's most amazing creation, La Sagrada Familia.  Gaudi's work began in 1883.  In 2010 La Sagrada Familia was said to be halfway done, staying true to Gaudi's vision.  Completion of this Roman Catholic church is estimated for 2026.  

The incredible interior

A view from atop one of the many towers

In order to get from the top of one of the towers to the bottom, we had to take this narrow spiral staircase ALL the way down.  (note Marco's shoe on the left).  Not the funnest thing for someone who's afraid of heights (me). 

Just incredible detail of the stone carvings

After touring La Sagrada Familia in complete awe, we made our way to the edge of the city to visit another one of Gaudi's unfinished works, the famous Park Guell. In this view of the city from the park, you can catch another glimpse of Sagrada Familia.

The famous Gaudi Salamander at Park Guell

Casa Mila, another one of Gaudi's unmistakable works.  Several more follow below.

Casa Batllo

We took a long walk around the perimeter of Castle Monjuic.  In the distance you could see the Mediterranean Sea.

A view of the city from atop Castle Monjuic

               Needless to say, our time in Spain as newly wed husband and wife was an experience
                        we will always treasure.  Maybe someday, Spain, we shall see you again.

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