
Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! This blog was created to document the sweet and simple days before our upcoming wedding, as well as the days that will follow into marital bliss. 50 years from now when we're old and gray, we can look back at this blog and remind ourselves of reasons to laugh and love, and of our life together--sweet & simple.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th o' july weekend

between a wedding, catching up with the fam, and a ride to castroville, marco and I stayed pretty busy this holiday weekend.  Mike and Mer's rehearsal dinner on friday and wedding on saturday captured their personalities perfectly!  what a beautiful, beautiful wedding! congrats you two! <3

the happy couple. at the rehearsal dinner.

me and mer.  one day 'til she's Mrs. DeFrees.

wedding reception at the blanco county courthouse.  

vintage centerpiece.

wedding cake table. yes, please!

heather. me. mer. dee.

sunday was spent visiting Abuelo and Abuela.  marco took this opportunity, not only to catch up on recent events, but also to record his grandparents' stories of the past, their childhood and their enduring relationship.  we also walked through their gardens to capture their amazing plants that seem to survive despite the harsh, rainless summer (and we're barely into July!)

fido & ranger.

on monday, the 4th of July, marco and I joined dad and nate on a ride to castroville.  the weather was so cooperative and there were few cars on the road.  just the perfect equation for a great ride!  nate challenged us with a few speed sprints that were definitely butt-kicking.  dad surprised us all with a couple bursts of speed of his own that were totally draining.  not bad for a 55 year-old man from Bacarra.  not bad at all.  ;) 

me & daddy-o
i guess nate and dad's cycling buddies all had the same idea to ride that day because coincidentally we all met up, with perfect timing, at the end of the ride to chat and catch up (and to catch our breath).  

marco starts his 4th year medical ICU rotation today.  he'll be quite busy with a minimum of 6 days a week, 12 hours each day.  so weekends like this last one will be few and far between.  we take what we can get.  you learn quickly to appreciate those few, rare moments where you can enjoy doing the things that make you happy, with the folks that make it all worthwhile.

i wonder if tandem bikes are out of style... :)

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