
Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! This blog was created to document the sweet and simple days before our upcoming wedding, as well as the days that will follow into marital bliss. 50 years from now when we're old and gray, we can look back at this blog and remind ourselves of reasons to laugh and love, and of our life together--sweet & simple.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

365 in 2012

  365 in 2012

While sitting in my favorite (read: least depressing) spot of the library near the floor-to-ceiling windows, I catch a glimpse of the 2 flags that wave on the front lawn of campus.  Although not a particularly windy day in January (albeit a ridiculously warm 80 degrees, gah!), the flags wave with such ease, such freedom and with this kind of peaceful excitement that I just want to bottle up.  Coincidentally, this song plays on my Pandora and it strikes a chord with me.  I’ve listened to it dozens, if not hundreds of times, but for whatever reason it is particularly meaningful to me today, and at this particular moment.

 Not that there were any “dog days” that I had to previously overcome, but I’m suddenly feeling this renewed sense of excitement, about what--I'm not sure--but something within me has been (re)ignited.  It’s this energy that makes me just want jump up…and do.  Do anything.  Do everything.  An energy that makes me thankful for my life.  For my husband.  For my loved ones.  Excited for life’s adventures to come.  Sure there are those things that I’d rather fast-forward through, like studying for exams and living on a very tight, like really tight student budget, but honestly its not that bad.  Its not bad, at all. 

With this renewed sense of excitement, I've decided on a new goal for this new year—to run 365 miles in 2012.  You’re probably thinking that doesn’t sound like much, right?  Thats just one measly mile a day you might say.  But factor in the ups and downs, ins and outs of daily life, and I would bet that 365 miles may prove to be quite the challenge for me.  I’ll keep you posted ;)

I continue to remind myself why this blog even exists, what its purpose is…to chronicle the things, small or big, simple or complex that, day in and day out, serve as my life’s source of happiness.  To document my reasons to be thankful, one of which is this renewed sense of eagerness, all because 2 flags waved on the lawn.

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