
Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! This blog was created to document the sweet and simple days before our upcoming wedding, as well as the days that will follow into marital bliss. 50 years from now when we're old and gray, we can look back at this blog and remind ourselves of reasons to laugh and love, and of our life together--sweet & simple.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Playing Catch-up

I'm devoting the month of January to playing catch-up for all the posts that never made it during the month of December, tee hee hee ;)

For those of you who know me,  you KNOW I'm not one to be interested in the typical "Bachelorette Party."  Since my dearest girlfriends DO know me, we had a Girls' Night Out a few weeks ago in celebration of my then upcoming wedding.  Dinner and drinks at Paesano's on the Riverwalk.  Yum! Followed by live music at the nearby Howl at the Moon.  Fun!

My Bridesmaids!!  Love!!

What a fun night!

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