
Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! This blog was created to document the sweet and simple days before our upcoming wedding, as well as the days that will follow into marital bliss. 50 years from now when we're old and gray, we can look back at this blog and remind ourselves of reasons to laugh and love, and of our life together--sweet & simple.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pergola, anyone?

Life has been keeping Marco & I very busy lately. Despite Marco's break from clinical rotations these last few weeks, he's been busy trying to catch up on things his schedule didn't previously allow for. Take for instance, building a pergola! Marco's bro, Eric, built a very nice pergola (check it out here!) and Marco would like to do the same for my parents. Throw in some decorative landscaping, a warm and toasty fire pit, and I have a feeling it's going to make for a very nice outdoor space.

The photo that inspired 

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