
Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! This blog was created to document the sweet and simple days before our upcoming wedding, as well as the days that will follow into marital bliss. 50 years from now when we're old and gray, we can look back at this blog and remind ourselves of reasons to laugh and love, and of our life together--sweet & simple.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

California. Day 2.

Day #1 in Cali definitely got us started off on the right foot. With day one behind us, we had very high hopes for day #2.

Our plans: Napa Valley.

Our thoughts at the end of the day: Amazing.

V. Sattui in St. Helena was the only winery we visited in Napa.  The scenery was absolutely beautiful, not to mention the food and wine were fantastic.  It was probably one of our favorite experiences of the entire trip.  

Rose bushes scattered the entire landscape.  Just gorgeous!

Inside V. Sattui's tasting room

We tasted a variety of delicious wines and purchased bottles of those we enjoyed most.  With a bottle in hand for lunch, we ventured on to their deli to buy goodies for our picnic.  They had more delicious food than the 3 of us knew what to do with.  

Marco enjoying the picnic on the grounds of the winery.  Our table, a wine barrel.  Love it!

The weather was perfect, the scenery beautiful, and the food & wine amazing.  All you could hope for in a vacation.

Reluctantly we left the winery.  To walk off all that food we visited downtown St. Helena's quaint specialty shops.  Have I mentioned yet that the weather was perfect?

Back at Nate's place, I decided to end the day by whipping up a batch of homemade rice krispy treats. Just like the good ol' days.

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