
Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! This blog was created to document the sweet and simple days before our upcoming wedding, as well as the days that will follow into marital bliss. 50 years from now when we're old and gray, we can look back at this blog and remind ourselves of reasons to laugh and love, and of our life together--sweet & simple.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

We bought a house!

Shortly after Match day (see here) Marco and I started the process towards home ownership.  We visited dozens of homes on the market and definitely had our fair share of disappointments and deals fall through.  But since things always seem to happen for a reason, we finally came across a cozy little home that we both imagined being truly happy in.  Needless to say, the paperwork involved is no picnic in the park but once that final dotted line was signed, we officially became homeowners!  We can't really explain how it feels to drive up to your home and know that it's yours, but it is definitely a wonderful feeling.  Check out some preview pics of our humble abode below!

More pics to come!

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